Calendar of Events

Birds of a Feather Photo Sharing and Pot Luck Dinner
Monday, December 19, 2016, 06:30am - 08:30pm
Contact Deborah Kainauskas, 904-254-0154

It’s our turn to shine. If you would like to share photographs you've taken this year of birds, you are in luck! It’s show and tell time at Duval Audubon. This is always one of our favorite programs each year. If bringing digital, please store the photos on a jump drive and don't forget to call ahead to reserve your spot for sharing your images. Contact Deb Kainauskas 904-254-0154 to sign up to share your photos

No photos? No problem. Just bring a potluck dish to share with everyone and enjoy the show. Come for a fun, casual evening!

Location Swaim Memorial United Methodist Church, 1620 Naldo Ave., Jacksonville