As we say goodbye to 2018, it’s a perfect time to express our gratitude to the folks who have helped us this past year to achieve our mission, “Connecting People with Nature.”
Thanks to our dedicated volunteers!
- To our Field Trip Leaders, who gladly share their birding expertise so we can all become better birders.
- To our Board Members, who do all the behind-the-scenes work (often at their own expense) to keep the organization running smoothly.
- To our Outreach Volunteers, who represent Duval Audubon Society at events and make presentations to schools and community groups to raise awareness about what we do;
- And to our Crosby Sanctuary Volunteers, who help us maintain and enhance our 565-acre conservation property in Orange Park.
- Special thanks go out to sanctuary manager Pete Johnson, who has dedicated many, many hours over the last several years to the enhancement of this amazing natural preserve;
- to volunteer Emil Kotic, who enthusiastically mows the grass, chops wood, clears trails, pulls weeds, plants trees, picks up trash, and generally does anything that needs to be done to keep the property clean, safe, and beautiful;
- to Carolyn Antman and Vincent Jaso, who are at Crosby nearly every month doing whatever needs to be done;
- and to the members of the Ridgeview High School Earth Club, who have been helping us at our fourth Saturday of the month “Crosby Saturday” work days since September - thanks so much to everyone!
- We are always in need of additional help, especially Field Trip Leaders and Outreach Volunteers - please contact acting volunteer chair Carol Bailey-White at for more information.
Thanks also to our members, donors, social media followers, program attendees, and everyone who participates in any of our activities - you are the reason we do what we do!
Our volunteers work hard every fourth Saturday of the month at our Crosby Sanctuary conservation property in Orange Park to maintain trails and plantings, remove invasive species, and keep it trash-free. We have big plans for improvements at Crosby over the next several years to make it more accessible to everyone.
- The board recently approved the purchase of a powerful brush mower so we can more easily maintain the trails that have been established over the last couple of years.
- We plan to install a permeable-surface parking area inside the gate that will provide additional parking for visitors and reduce the need for street parking in the neighborhood surrounding the preserve.
- Our most exciting project is the construction of an elevated boardwalk through the swamp section of the property. The earthen dike road that runs through the swamp is slowly deteriorating with each high-water event (Hurricane Irma had a significant impact on the entire neighborhood) and visitors currently need to wear rubber boots to avoid getting their feet wet after rainy weather.
These developments will allow more people to experience this magical place, but we need your help! In early 2019 we will launch a campaign to raise the funds we will need to make these plans a reality, but you can donate at any time using the PayPal link on our website at Thank you!
We have some great field trips, programs and volunteer opportunities lined up for the rest of the 2018/2019 season. Here are some highlights:
- We’re continuing our quarterly cleanups at one of our favorite field trip locations on Sunday, January 13th at the St. Augustine Road Fish Management Area! Contact acting volunteer chair Carol Bailey-White at for more information.
- On January 21st, join us for our monthly program at the Charles M. Neviaser Education Institute of Community Hospice: a fascinating look at White Oak’s Whooping Crane Conservation Program. Light refreshments at 6:30 pm; program starts at 7 pm.
- Our Beginning Bird Walks at Fort Caroline and the Theodore Roosevelt Area are continuing on the first Sunday of every month in partnership with the National Park Service and the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve.
- We’re hosting a special Birding on the Water outing on Saturday, March 16th with Kayak Amelia. Contact chapter president Jody Willis to reserve your spot:
- Field trip destinations include Orlando Wetlands, Harris Neck NWR, Alligator Lake, Vaill Point Park, Lake Woodruff NWR, and many more! Check our Calendar of Events for more information on all of our activities.
Duval Audubon Society is an all-volunteer organization operated by a Board of Directors who manage the day-do-day business of running a chapter of the National Audubon Society. Current board openings include: Clay County Conservation Chair, Corresponding Secretary, and Volunteer Chair. If you would like to join our board to help our chapter achieve its mission of connecting people with nature, please contact chapter president Jody Willis at
From everyone at Duval Audubon Society, best wishes for a happy, healthy and BIRDY 2019!