The Audubon Observer, February 2024
2023 AUDUBON CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT 2023 marked the 124th Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) since Frank Chapman and 26 other conservationists started it on Christmas Day in 1900 as a way of promoting bird conservation by counting instead of hunting. Thanks to their dedication, 25 Christmas Bird Counts were held that day, with locations ranging from Toronto, Ontario to Pacific Grove, California. In December, two counts were held in our chapter’s tri-county (Clay, Duval, and Nassau counties) coverage area: the Clay County East CBC and the Jacksonville CBC. Count compilers Steve Raduns (Clay) and Anne Turner (Jacksonville) shared these results:
Nothing particularly rare, however, species of note were Limpkin, King Rail, Sora and Greater Scaup. The only other bit of usable info is the fact that there has been a lot of habitat loss in the past year due to construction of the new highway as well as a huge number of new subdivisions and other construction in the last year.”
The Vermilion Flycatcher was back for the third year in the exact same spot (Marine Corps Support Facility Blount Island, restricted access only). The only other flycatcher besides Eastern Phoebe was the Western Flycatcher seen in Mayport and along Heckscher Drive. Huguenot came through again with 2 Purple Sandpipers, and both Black and Surf Scoters, and a Long-tailed Duck. Other uncommon ducks seen on the count included one Northern Pintail and 2 Common Goldeneyes. A Whip-poor-will and all three species of owls (Barred, Great Horned, and Eastern Screech-Owl),were heard at Cedar Point. Every team reported seeing sparrows for a total of ten different species. One American Bittern was seen in the New Berlin Road area. This count was the 74th Jacksonville Christmas Bird Count. The count started in 1949 and has been held every year since.” Thanks to everyone who participated! BOSQUE DEL APACHE BIRDING FESTIVAL
Every year the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge hosts a birding festival called “Festival of the Cranes,” which is sponsored by the nonprofit organization, Friends of Bosque del Apache. The festival takes place over several days and has a wide variety of classes and field trips. The timing of the festival is dependent upon the anticipated arrival of the Sandhill Cranes. Last year, the festival was held December 11-14, 2023, and I was fortunate enough to attend two out of the four days. I scheduled back-to-back field trips for each day with very knowledgeable guides that focused on the birds, landscape and photography. The daily highlight of the festival was watching the morning “lift off” of the Sandhill Cranes as they awaken and fly out for their morning breakfast. It is definitely a spectacle to see. However, be prepared for chilly weather to see the “lift off” as your field trip may begin before sunrise. The day I attended the sunrise temperature was 29 degrees so don’t forget your hand and foot warmers.
Due to its wetland environment in a primarily dry area, the refuge also attracts the occasional rare bird. While I was there, I was able to see a Long-tailed Duck in a wetland area close to the refuge’s loop road. Unfortunately, I missed a White-tailed Kite although I tried several times to find it. Bosque del Apache is a wonderful place that you won’t want to miss. If you can’t make the festival, you can visit on your own. There is a visitor center that provides plenty of refuge information and can answer all of your questions. The main road is a twelve-mile loop with various stops and some hiking trails. Learn more about the refuge and the festival here. BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT
Currently, I proudly hold the position of Volunteer Director on the board for Duval Audubon Society. This role not only allows me to contribute actively to the non-profit sector but also fuels my passion for environmental stewardship. Working alongside fellow enthusiasts, I am dedicated to the preservation of bird habitats and the promotion of sustainable practices. Beyond my commitment to the Audubon Society, I serve as the Resource Development Coordinator at United Way of Northeast Florida. In this role, I focus on coordinating resources to support initiatives that make a meaningful impact on our community. It's a role that aligns seamlessly with my dedication to making a positive difference. My journey has been shaped by the belief that community service is a powerful force for change. Whether in the realm of environmental conservation or community development, I am privileged to contribute to causes that resonate with my values. RAPTOR TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED Local conservationist and former Duval Audubon Society board member Lesley Royce asked us to share this plea for raptor rescue drivers:
At left is an example of a bird that needed transport. This is an immature Red-tailed Hawk that I rescued recently. Poor thing is missing a toe and has bumblefoot. I am looking for people willing to transport raptors. My hope is to have a small group of volunteers. When a raptor needs to be transported, I would send out a group text to this group of volunteers, looking for that one person who is available for this transport. If you are interested in transporting raptors, please reach out to me via email:” UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Here's what's happening this month:
Hope to see you soon! Duval Audubon Society, Inc.