The Audubon Observer, Earth Day 2020
EARTH DAY 2020: 50th ANNIVERSARY Earth Day was started in 1970 to raise awareness of the growing amount of pollution in our environment including toxic waste dumping, poisonous smoke belching from factories, raw sewage running into waterways, and the consumption of lead in gas. Over the last decades much legislation has addressed these issues such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act. Many of these protections are now being dismantled by the present administration. Celebrate Earth Day 2020 by planting native plants in your yard, stopping your use of fertilizers and pesticides, and committing to vote for politicians who will stand up for the environment. In this uncertain time, we know that the actions we take over the coming months will define the world for generations. Take action today by urging Congress to build a better future for birds, people, and the places we need. For more information about the history of Earth Day visit --Carolyn Antman, Conservation Chair, Duval County AUDUBON FLORIDA EARTH DAY BIRDATHON
From Audubon Florida: "Here in Florida we are experiencing the wonders of the bird migration season. In an effort to bird together – even when we are physically apart – Audubon Florida is launching its Earth Day Birdathon! The Earth Day Birdathon will have two parts: 1) Staff To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, Audubon staff will engage in a 24-hour effort to record as many species as possible – in their own backyards! From the forests of Tallahassee to the shores of the Atlantic, from the heat of South Florida to the rural countryside, team members will count the birds that inspire our conservation, policy, education, and research programs. Audubon Florida continues to safely protect the places birds need to survive and thrive, even during the coronavirus outbreak. To spur Audubon staff to count as many birds as humanly possible, make a pledge for each species they record in their 24-hour effort! 2) Audubon Members and Supporters Starting the very same day, we invite all members of the Florida birding community to contribute their backyard observations for an entire week. How many of the Sunshine State’s birds can we spot together? Will you all crush Audubon’s total? Let’s find out!" Learn how you can participate at --Carol Bailey-White, Vice President PROPOSED 2020/2021 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Duval Audubon Society is an all-volunteer organization operated by a Board of Directors who manage the day-do-day business of running a chapter of the National Audubon Society. The following individuals have indicated their interest in serving on Duval Audubon's 2020/2021 Board of Directors:
We bid a grateful farewell to our current treasurer Maria Quiros - thank you for your service to Duval Audubon Society and our community! Thank you also to former Field Trips / Programs Director Deborah Kainauskas for your hard work these last few years. Current board openings include: Field Trips / Programs Director, and Volunteer Director. If you would like to join our board to help our chapter achieve its mission of connecting people with nature, please contact current president Jody Willis. COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS UPDATE Due to the current worldwide health crisis and per the recommendation of Audubon and Audubon Florida, all field trips and programs scheduled through the end of May 2020 have been cancelled. Please check our website for any further updates on chapter activities as the situation develops. We are sorry to have to take this extreme step, but we take the health and safety of our members and volunteers very seriously, and want to err on the side of caution in these frightening times. We hope to be able to again offer our regular schedule of exciting field trips and informative programs in the fall. Please be safe and take care of yourself and your family, and feel free to contact us with any questions. --Jody Willis, President Duval Audubon Society, Inc. |