Calendar of Events
Join us for Virtual Bird Trivia Night! Questions will test your skills on a variety of bird topics geared towards birders of all levels. This is a great opportunity to virtually reconnect with your birding buddies and learn some fun facts about birds in the process! Not to mention, you could win a cool prize!
The rules are simple:
1. Players play for themselves - no teams. Keep it fair - one player per screen.
2. Players will have 30 seconds after each question to come up with the answer - when you have your answer, enter it into the chat window PRIVATELY to the host only.
3. There will be four rounds, and then a final "bet your points" question so there's still a chance to catch up if you're behind!
4. The first round will be a practice round, no points awarded.
5. NO CHEATING! This is just for fun, so no looking at your phone, private chats, Googling, asking your spouse, or phoning a friend!
The event will take place on our Zoom platform, and participants will receive the Zoom link at registration. Players are asked to keep their video ON during the game and their own audio muted so everyone can hear the questions and answers.
You must register on our Meetup site to participate in this event.
Questions? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..